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I'm human. I react emotionally to the news stories I read. I am very much influenced by the tone of an article. My (virtual) rose coloured glasses allow me to remain positive and happy. But, I will delve into a serious and upsetting subject when I'm in the right mood or when I steel myself to my potential negative reaction. Around the time of the American election I succumbed to the great introductory Canadian rate promoted by the New York Times. I was already aware that the paper is perceived as slightly left of centre,  especially in their opinion section. But that was fine, I believe that my thinking is slightly left of centre. Well, I got my monies worth. I dove deeply into the digital version of the paper everyday before, during and after the election. Good for me. I was keeping abreast of the political, economic and health related aspects of our behemoth neighbour. But recently (mid February) I cancelled my subscription. Why? Reading about the attack on the Capitol Building, the political divide across the country, and the Trump hold on the GOP has caused me some sleepless nights and pains in my stomach. Now I have re-oriented my serious thinking to Canadian issues, writing my blog, and working in the country music industry. The rest of my time I read, watch TV, call my friends, and go out for dinner with my family. I haven't had a stomach pain in three weeks.
