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I want to read the news!

All I want to do is read the news. 

The print media is struggling and no longer a great choice. I've never been a fan of scheduled reports on TV and radio. I want to digest the news on my schedule, not theirs.

So, what about the internet? 

Too many websites. Too much biased reporting. What to do? 

I have gravitated to daily, semi weekly and weekly newsletters. The ones I follow tend to be aggregators of information I want to know, or need to know. 

I subscribe to: 

The Peak 

Peak Money 

The Peak Tech 

Maple Syrup

Mind Your Business

Broadcast Dialogue

Forbes Daily

Money Digest

Daily Hive 

The Peak, Peak Money, and Peak Tech are creations from the fertile mind of Moses Znaimer. Slim compendiums that deliver on three fronts. 

Maple Syrup keeps me current primarily with Canadian cell phone news and internet provider news (and with Canadian pricing).

Mind Your Business is one of a slew of newsletters that originate from the CBC.

Broadcast Dialogue is a no-brainer. I spent 52 years in radio and television and need to still feel part of it. 

Yes, I subscribe to Forbes Daily but I am close to ditching it because, quite often, the links lead to a paywall.  

Money Digest contains leads on sales events that I wouldn't know about without their newsletter. Plus other random information. 

And Daily Hive, the Calgary edition, keeps me up-to-date with events, food, etc, where I live.

BTW I started with the American based 1440 Daily Digest but quickly discovered that The Peak covers the same material but with a Canadian perspective. 

I tried Rolling Stone, but their newsletter was mostly an excuse to sell subscriptions. 

Oh, one more. I was sourcing a good, cross-sectional Canadian opinion piece from a credible source, so ... I subscribed to the National Newswatch from Peter Mansbridge! 

I still need objective reporting on international and national news, so I head over to these websites: Reuters, AP News and CTV. All three score high as objective news sources according to: 

If you have any suggestions of other newsletters or websites I should consider, please mention them in the comment section. 

In the meantime, stay sane, enjoy life, sing a little, dance a little, keep your friends close, and love your family!  DJB 
